Installing PSP custom firmware 5.00 M33-6

datePosted on 18:32, February 4th, 2009 by yk

Installing Custom Firmware 5.00 M33-6. This article assumes that you have custom firmware (OE/M33) installed on your PSP and want to upgrade to version 5.00 M33-6.

If you have OE/M33 firmware lower than 3.52 M33 please start from Section A.
If you have OE/M33 firmware equal or greater than 3.52 M33 and lower than 3.52 M33-4, please start from Section B.
If you have OE/M33 firmware equal or greater than 3.52 M33-4 and less than 4.01 M33, please start from Section C.
If you have OE/M33 firmware equal or greater than 4.01 M33 and less than 4.01 M33-2, please start from Section D.
If you have OE/M33 firmware equal or greater than 4.01 M33-2 and less than 5.00 M33 please start from Section E.
If you have OE/M33 firmware equal or greater than 5.00 M33 and less than 5.00 M33-6, please start from Section F.

If you have followed the instructions in my previous post Installing PSP custom firmware 5.00 M33, please start from Section F.

(DL.C.1) Custom firmware 3.52 M33
(DL.C.2) Custom firmware 3.52 M33-4
(DL.C.3) Custom firmware 4.01 M33
(DL.C.4) Custom firmware 4.01 M33-2
(DL.C.5) Custom firmware 5.00 M33
(DL.C.6) Custom firmware 5.00 M33-6
(DL.O.1) Official firmware update 1.5
(DL.O.2) Official firmware update 3.52
(DL.O.3) Official firmware update 4.01
(DL.O.4) Official firmware update 5.00

Section A – Install custom firmware 3.52 M33

Files to be downloaded and extracted:
(a) Custom firmware 3.52 M33 (DL.C.1)
(b) Official firmware update 1.5 (DL.O.1)
(c) Official firmware update 3.52 (DL.O.2)

Steps to install:
(A.1) Copy the folder M33CREATOR and its contents to your PSP’s memory sticks’s /PSP/GAME150/ folder (eg. Z:/PSP/GAME150/).
(A.2) Rename Official firmware update 1.5 (EBOOT.PBP) to 150.PBP.
(A.3) Copy the file to your PSP’s memory stick’s /PSP/GAME150/M33CREATOR/ folder (eg. Z:/PSP/GAME150/M33CREATOR/).
(A.4) Rename Official firmware update 3.52 ((EBOOT.PBP) to 352.PBP.
(A.5) Copy the file to your PSP’s memory stick’s /PSP/GAME150/M33CREATOR/ folder (eg. Z:/PSP/GAME150/M33CREATOR/).
(A.6) In your PSP, browse to your Memory Stick and run the program 3.52 M33 CREATOR.
(A.7) After it completes, run the the program 3.52 M33UPDATE.
(A.8) Your PSP is now running custom firmware 3.52 M33. You can now delete the folder M33CREATOR folder from your PSP.

Section B – Update to custom firmware 3.52 M33-4

Files to be downloaded and extracted:
(a) Custom firmware 3.52 M33-4 (DL.C.2)

Steps to upgrade:
(B.1) Copy the folder M33Update4 and its contents to your PSP’s memory sticks’s /PSP/GAME150/ folder (eg. Z:/PSP/GAME150/).
(B.2) In your PSP, browse to your Memory Stick and run the update (the icon has a grey background, with red letters saying 3:33:33 in the foreground).
(B.3) Your PSP is now running custom firmware 3.52 M33-4. You can now delete the folder M33Update4 folder from your PSP.

Section C – Install custom firmware 4.01 M33

Files to be downloaded and extracted:
(a) Custom firmware 4.01 M33 (DL.C.3)
(b) Official firmware update 4.01 (DL.O.3)

Steps to install:
(C.1) Copy the folder UPDATE and its contents to your PSP’s memory sticks’s /PSP/GAME/ folder (eg. Z:/PSP/GAME/).
(C.2) Rename Official firmware update 4.01 (EBOOT.PBP) to 401.PBP.
(C.3) Copy the file to your PSP’s memory stick’s /PSP/GAME/UPDATE folder (eg. Z:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE/).
(C.4) Go to Recovery mode (Power off your PSP by holding the power button for 10 seconds. Turn on your PSP while holding the right shoulder button to go into recovery mode). Revert your kernel to 3.52 (or any kernel above 3.52 like 3.90). Exit the Recovery mode.
(C.5) In your PSP, browse to your Memory Stick and run the program 4.01 M33.
(C.6) Your PSP is now running custom firmware 4.01 M33. You can now delete the folder UPDATE folder from your PSP.

Section D – Update to custom firmware 4.01 M33-2

Files to be downloaded and extracted:
(a) Custom firmware 4.01 M33-2 (DL.C.4)

Steps to upgrade:
(D.1) Copy the folder UPDATE and its contents to your PSP’s memory sticks’s /PSP/GAME/ folder (eg. Z:/PSP/GAME/).
(D.2) In your PSP, browse to your Memory Stick and run the program M33-2.
(D.3) Your PSP is now running custom firmware 4.01 M33-2. You can now delete the folder UPDATE folder from your PSP.

Section E – Install custom firmware 5.00 M33

Files to be downloaded and extracted:
(a) Custom firmware 5.00 M33 (DL.C.5)
(b) Official firmware update 5.00 (DL.O.4)

Steps to install:
(E.1) Copy the folder UPDATE and its contents to your PSP’s memory sticks’s /PSP/GAME/ folder (eg. Z:/PSP/GAME/).
(E.2) Rename Official firmware update 5.00 (EBOOT.PBP) to 500.PBP.
(E.3) Copy the file to your PSP’s memory stick’s /PSP/GAME/UPDATE folder (eg. Z:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE/).
(E.4) Go to Recovery mode (Power off your PSP by holding the power button for 10 seconds. Turn on your PSP while holding the right shoulder button to go into recovery mode). Revert your kernel to 4.01. Exit the Recovery mode.
(E.5) In your PSP, browse to your Memory Stick and run the program 5.00 M33.
(E.6) Your PSP is now running custom firmware 5.00 M33. You can now delete the folder UPDATE folder from your PSP.

Section F – Update to custom firmware 5.00 M33-6

Files to be downloaded and extracted:
(a) Custom firmware 5.00 M33-6 (DL.C.6)

Steps to upgrade:
(F.1) Copy the folder UPDATE and its contents to your PSP’s memory sticks’s /PSP/GAME/ folder (eg. Z:/PSP/GAME/).
(F.2) In your PSP, browse to your Memory Stick and run the program M33-6.
(F.3) Your PSP is now running custom firmware 5.00 M33-6. You can now delete the folder UPDATE folder from your PSP.

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123 Responses to “Installing PSP custom firmware 5.00 M33-6”

  1. yk on May 28th, 2009 at 10:35 am

    stephanie, are you trying to downgrade an Official Firmware or Custome Firmware?

  2. Dixon on June 19th, 2009 at 7:42 pm

    Hey, a good guide to update the PSP without bricking it and great info. Thanks a bunch and hope to see any further updates for PSP custom firmware.

  3. Yim on July 15th, 2009 at 2:26 am

    I have to start at Section C. I downloading cfw 4.01 m33 and 4.01 m33-2. When I go to open it up it gives me all the files. Meaning it doesnt show me a folder name update that I can copy and paste. I thought it was a fluke so I tried downloading the cfw for version 4xx else where they all do the same thing. Help plz!

  4. pspvampire on July 15th, 2009 at 6:33 pm

    Thanks so much! I had cfw 5.00m33 for a while but wanted to update to m33-6 but was scared it would brick but it didn’t!
    Cheers, this has helped a lot!

  5. ali on July 16th, 2009 at 2:35 pm

    hey man i upgraded and followed your instructions precisely but when i installed the 3.9 m33 fw it did not show any of my save files or iso games i think it is now ofw. and also i tried to use a recovery flasher to downgrade it and did not work and it doesnt show any update files for the 4.01. please reply

  6. ali on July 16th, 2009 at 3:20 pm

    hey yk i even tried pandoras but i cant format it using mspformat its is saying “write error”, i thought to continue but then it had game could not start error when i tried to start the pandora firm installer please help

  7. hendy on July 29th, 2009 at 9:09 pm

    i can’t play dynasty warriors strike force at my PSP, my PSP use cfw 5.00 M33-6…plz help..

  8. kyo on August 31st, 2009 at 2:47 am

    hey the guide is so usefull,, anyways i have a problem i have a 3.8 m33-5 then i upgrade to 4.01 m33 then to 4.01 m33-2 but when im trying to updgrade to 5.00 m33 at the end when i press “x” my psp get a brick and dont restart only shutdown, then i must have to return to 3.8 m33 to repair bricck =( u know why i cant upgrade to 5.00 m33?? i have a psp slim 2001

  9. yk on September 1st, 2009 at 10:40 am

    I’m very sorry kyo, I have never encountered the bricking problem before and a brief search on the internet seems to indicate that there are PSP slim 2001 owners who managed to upgrade to 5.00 M33-6. Is it possible for you to try to downgrade all the way to 1.5 and start fresh according to this guide?

  10. Guile on September 14th, 2009 at 6:19 pm

    Yo i have a firmware 3.52-m33 is there any way to play dynasty strike force whit my current firm? i know u need 4.01 atleast to play it. but than again cant play my snes emu lol,thanks *btw any who have problems whit dynasty strike force turn psp on while press & hold the ”R” button. u get the menu go to configuration and change it to m-33 driver -no UMD -> peace

  11. hJr on September 17th, 2009 at 12:33 pm

    Thank you so much it worked perfectly!!

  12. Gabriel Umoh on September 19th, 2009 at 5:47 am

    what u said i shul do in step f it deleted my former costum firmware.
    pls reply!

  13. yk on September 23rd, 2009 at 3:45 pm

    Gabriel, I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. The whole purpose of the post is for you to upgrade to a newer custom firmware and it will definitely “delete” your former custom firmware.

  14. Jon on September 28th, 2009 at 8:09 am

    hi can anyone help, i have a psp phat 4.01 m33-2 and i downloaded Jet de go and Dynasty warriors Strike force cso files when i saved it on to my ISO file and start my psp it shows the game but when i select it, it just turned off?
    can anyone help
    thank you

  15. on October 9th, 2009 at 2:29 pm

    Great info dude!!

  16. holic on October 9th, 2009 at 6:30 pm

    OKay, just to be very sureee. Is it safe to upgrade my cfw 3.90 m33-3 ? it wont brick rite??? >.<

  17. holic on October 9th, 2009 at 10:51 pm

    >.< ??

  18. Stu Derbyshire on October 10th, 2009 at 5:56 am

    Possibly the best guide I have read.

    Thank You

  19. holic on October 10th, 2009 at 2:03 pm

    er… wanna comfirm. is it save to upgrade my cfw 3.90 m33-3 ??? x)

  20. Ferry on October 11th, 2009 at 6:25 pm

    I just upgrade my firmware form 4.01 m33-2 to 5.00 m33-6, it was a success. But, when I try to play Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and Dissidia, it’s says that my savedata has been corrupted. Can I recover the savedata? Please help me… Thanks

  21. yk on October 12th, 2009 at 12:06 am

    holic, a lot of people have successfully upgraded from 3.90 m33-3 to 5.00 m33-6. Just start from section C.

  22. yk on October 12th, 2009 at 12:08 am

    Ferry, if you look at dReas’s comments (Click on Older Comments), you will see he has the same problem. You can try to use Deemer like I suggested but I’m not sure if it will work.

  23. neil on October 21st, 2009 at 5:13 am

    followed the instructions but when i used 3.52 m33 update it shutdown and now wont restart any ideas please

  24. arth on October 25th, 2009 at 9:37 am

    i followed the steps from 4.01 m33.2 and ended up at 5.00 m33-6 with no issues at all.. im gonna carry on untill i get to whatever the latest firmware is in the hope of curing my game loading errors, but thanks again for getting me this far.

  25. mark m on October 31st, 2009 at 9:52 am

    can you upload “(DL.C.6) Custom firmware 5.00 M33-6″ again?…

    the link is dead already.

    thanks alot!

  26. Marty on November 4th, 2009 at 3:03 am

    I have a phat PSP using CFW 5.00 M33-6.
    I just recently updated it. Now my internet browser wont open and some games are crashing when im playing them. It seems to always crash when something is loading.
    Any advice? If not is there a way i can completly Downgrade to OFW 1.50 and start again?

  27. yk on November 9th, 2009 at 7:17 pm

    mark m, you can download “(DL.C.6) Custom firmware 5.00 M33-6″ from

    Marty, I’ve got 4 devices with me that is running CFW5.00 M33-6 and we haven’t got any problems. Could it be caused by the ISOs that you are using? Are they directly ripped without any manipulation or compression?

  28. Marty on November 11th, 2009 at 12:59 am

    YK: The games were working fine before i updated to M33-6. Now they start but crash during play.
    Starting to really fry my head now!

  29. yk on November 11th, 2009 at 7:38 am

    Marty, what version of the CFW were you running before you updated?

  30. Marty on November 11th, 2009 at 4:54 pm

    Cant remember think it may have been 3.71 m33 or 4.01.
    Ive upgradede again to 5.50 GEN- D2 but sits still doing the same thing.

  31. Eric on November 20th, 2009 at 1:42 pm

    thank u so much! :)

  32. ahpish on November 21st, 2009 at 8:39 am

    thanx, i have successfully upgrade my phat. nice guide!

  33. Dave on November 21st, 2009 at 8:48 am

    Definitely one of the best guides I have ever used. Thanks for taking the time.

  34. JepRox on December 2nd, 2009 at 10:53 am

    Do you need to use a pandora battery to upgrade from 4.01m33-2 to 5.00m33-6?

  35. yk on December 3rd, 2009 at 10:35 am

    JepRox, you don’t need a Pandora’s battery to upgrade from 4.01m33-2 to 5.00m33-6.

  36. JepRox on December 4th, 2009 at 11:11 am

    Thnx yk, for the reply. Before i upgrade, has anyone tried playing ASSASSINS CREED BLOODLINES for cfw 5.00m33-6? Because for cfw 4.01m33-2 I get an error saying, “The game could not be started.” If cfw 5.00m33-6 gets the same error then whats my other option?


  37. Rick V on December 10th, 2009 at 9:57 pm

    Nice tutorial! Thanks

  38. caropan on December 21st, 2009 at 3:14 pm

    Very informative! Thanks for the tutorial!

  39. Nelio on January 12th, 2010 at 12:05 pm

    Hi, I would like to upgrade to 5.00M33-6. My current firmware is 3.71 M33-2. Which section should I start?


  40. yk on January 25th, 2010 at 6:04 pm

    Nelio, you should start from section C.

  41. anthony on February 6th, 2010 at 9:55 am

    when i try to run update it says game coruppted help

  42. yk on February 6th, 2010 at 1:15 pm

    anthony, what firmware are you currently running on your PSP?

  43. Gene on February 12th, 2010 at 3:00 pm

    IM trying to upgrade from 3.71 M33 – 4.01 M33,

    I followed section 3 and got up to opening the upgrade file on my psp, but then the screen goes black and white fonts saying “Verifying 401.PBP … File Incorrect”

    So what do i do now?

  44. yk on February 13th, 2010 at 2:08 pm

    Hi Gene, that error message usually means that you have got the wrong version of the Official Firmware. Please download the OFW 4.01 and renamed it to 401.PBP and try again.

  45. Sarb on April 6th, 2010 at 12:28 am

    Absolutely brill guide, cant thankyou enough…..really easy to follow from 3.80 m33-5 upto 5.00 m33-6. flawless. thanks again all

  46. anj on May 4th, 2010 at 2:54 pm

    hi, i did everything in section c up to the part where i browse my mem stick and run the program.and by the way where in the recovery menu do i revert the kernel?is it the game folder homebrew in the configuration menu?anyways when i went to the mem stick in the games menu it said corrupted data…..please help

  47. yk on May 5th, 2010 at 9:56 am

    anj what firmware are you running at the moment?

  48. MJ on May 17th, 2010 at 3:06 pm

    hi yk, thanks for this guide.. it helped me a lot… can you teach us how to update safely from 5.00 m33-6 to 5.50 GEN versions.. thanks!!!

  49. MJ on May 17th, 2010 at 3:12 pm

    hi YK. thanks for this very easy to follow guide… can you teah us now how to update from 5.00 m33-6 to 5.50 Gen firmware. cause a lot of new games require that. thanks again and god bless!

  50. yk on May 17th, 2010 at 3:18 pm

    Hi MJ,

    Sorry, I have not attempted to installing the 5.50 GEN series before, so I cannot provide a guide for it.

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