Archive for ‘General’ Category
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All my general ramblings will be housed in this category.


Sony Ericsson W960i and USB

datePosted on 13:41, July 30th, 2008 by yk

My W960i is making me lose hair again. After using my non-original car charger to charge my phone, I am not able to charge my phone with my regular wall charger anymore. I wasted no time in sending in the phone since it’s under warranty and after a few days, I got it back (bravo to the Sony Ericsson service centre for the super fast service!).

In my pursuit of privacy preservation, I did a master reset to clear all the data in the phone before sending it in to the service centre. The first thing that I did when I got it back was to plug in the USB cable in order to restore the data that I backed up. Immediately, I was confronted with repetitive poppings of yellow bubbles in my system task bar saying:

USB Device Not Recognized

After some painstaking plugging and unplugging of USB cables, uninstalling and installing Sony Ericsson software and drivers, the problem was solved when I tried another USB cable. So, it turned out that my USB cable was fried.

Here In My Home available for download

datePosted on 19:51, May 17th, 2008 by yk

Malaysian Artistes For Unity

Damn, I just can’t stop listening to the song! And now Malaysian Artistes For Unity has made the song and video available for download! To ease their server’s load, I’ve taken the liberty to create torrents for the files and add them to a torrent tracker. Here are the torrents: Read the rest of this entry »

Here In My Home

datePosted on 10:27, May 16th, 2008 by yk

Malaysian Artistes For Unity (MAFU) released a fantastic song today that mirrors the sentiment that most Malaysians feel in their hearts. Here’s a YouTube version of the music video:

SonyEricsson W960i Contact or Messaging related problems

datePosted on 14:40, April 24th, 2008 by yk

It was 1 month ago when I had my first brush with the SE W960i’s Messaging problem. As discovered then, the problem is related to the phone’s Contacts. After fiddling with it for a month, I finally found a permanent solution to the problem.

First of all, here are the possible symptoms of the Contact/Messaging problem:

  • Contact’s name and/or picture does not show when a call comes through
  • Contact’s name does not show in Messages
  • When trying to view some/all messages, an error message saying the message is incomplete and/or Access is denied is displayed on screen and the messages cannot be viewed.
  • When a voice command is added to a contact and the phone is rebooted, the above symptoms appear. However, if all voice commands are deleted and the phone rebooted, the above symptoms disappears
  • The cause of all the above symptoms is you have contacts saved in your SIM card. To fix the problems, remove all contacts from your SIM card and reboot your phone.
    To do this on the SonyEricsson W960i, go to Contacts -> More -> View folder -> SIM. After that, More -> Mark -> Mark all and then More -> Delete. Now all you have to do is reboot your phone and all your problems will be gone forever (hopefully).


    datePosted on 11:53, April 15th, 2008 by mickey

    Hi Mr. Dragon,

    I think your website is really cool… Anyway, hope you don’t mind i complain my work and office here. Ha Ha Ha…